INFO: DeviceCapabilities(DC_BINNAMES) Data Format
ID: Q82167
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1
When an application calls the DeviceCapabilities() API with the nIndex parameter set to DC_BINNAMES, 24 bytes are required for each bin name.
DeviceCapabilities() returns the name of each bin as a null-terminated string in a character array. Each bin-name entry requires 24 bytes and begins on the [(n-1) * 24] byte of the array.
The following code demonstrates how to allocate a block of memory, retrieve
the bin names, and walk through the array of bin names. The code assumes
that GetProcAddress() has been used to retrieve a long pointer to the DeviceCapabilities() in the printer driver and that the pointer was stored in the lpfnDevCap variable:
if ((dwDMSize = (*lpfnDevCap)(lpszDevice, lpszPort, DC_BINNAMES,
0L, lpDevMode))
&& (dwDMSize != (DWORD)(-1)))
if (hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (WORD)dwDMSize * 24))
lpMem = (LPINT)GlobalLock(hMem);
nBins = (WORD)(*lpfnDevCap)(lpszDevice, lpszPort,
DC_BINNAMES, lpMem, lpDevMode);
for (lpBins = lpMem, i = 0; i < nBins; i++, lpBins += 24)
// lpBins points to the null-terminated bin name.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbDSupport kbSDKWin16
Version : WINDOWS:3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo