BUG: Setup CreateProgmanItem Does Not Overwrite Item

ID: Q87493

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1


In the Microsoft Setup Toolkit for Windows, when the setup script calls the CreateProgmanItem() subroutine to replace an existing item in a Microsoft Windows Program Manager group with cmo% set to cmoOverwrite and with szOther$ set to a nonempty string, the setup driver does not replace the existing item. Instead, it creates a new item.


_MSTEST, the setup driver spawned by SETUP.EXE, incorrectly forms the name of the item to overwrite if szOther$ is not an empty string. This prevents _MSTEST from finding an item in the group with the specified name, and it creates a new item.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in version 3.1 of the Setup Toolkit for Windows. If the setup script must specify the icon file, icon resource index, x and y icon position, or working directory, and if it is unacceptable to potentially have two items of the same name in a group, the groups must be manipulated through a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation with Program Manager. Add a function that initiates and manages a DDE conversation with Program Manager to MCUISTF.DLL and call the function from the setup script.


Windows 3.0 does not support the cmoOverwrite command option flag for the CreateProgmanItem() subroutine.

Additional query words: buglist3.10 3.10 MSSetup tool kit

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 3, 1999
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