Shell DDE Using DDEML

ID: Q99807

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1


The Windows Program Manager supports a dynamic data exchange (DDE) command- string interface that allows other applications to create, display, delete, and reload groups; add, replace, and delete items from groups; and to close Program Manager.

PMDDEML is a file in the Microsoft Software library that demonstrates how to use this Program Manager DDE command-string interface using the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) introduced in Microsoft Windows version 3.1.


The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Click the file names below to download the files:


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PMDDEML demonstrates only a small subset of the command-strings supported by Program Manager. The commands demonstrated by PMDDEML include:
ShowGroup (both minimize and restore)
The other command-strings supported by Program Manager can be easily implemented in a manner similar to those commands demonstrated by PMDDEML.

The DDEML functions demonstrated by PMDDEML include:
To use PMDDEML, run it and select the Shell Commands menu. Choose the Create "Sample Group" menu item. This will create a new program group (if one does not already exist) in Program Manager. Once the sample group is created, the group can be minimized, restored, or deleted by selecting the appropriate menu item in PMDDEML.

Additional query words: softlib PMDDEML.EXE

Keywords : kbfile kbDDE kbGrpUser kbUser
Version : WINDOWS:3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 8, 1999
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