Unsupported SCSI Commands When Using SCSI Pass Through

ID: Q123677

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK) for Windows NT, versions 3.5, 3.51


The following SCSI commands are unsupported when using SCSI pass through and SCSI pass through direct:

    SCSI Command      Value   DDK operation code
    COPY               0x18   SCSIOP_COPY
    COMPARE            0x39   SCSIOP_COMPARE

NOTE: The COPY AND COMPARE command is referred to as the COPY AND VERIFY command in the SCSI-2 specification.

If a SCSI pass through request is sent to the SCSI port driver with any one of these unsupported operation codes, the request will be rejected with a return status of STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST.


The described SCSI commands are identified as optional commands in the SCSI-2 specification. This means that not all direct access devices will support these commands. Some of these commands are also potentially dangerous to implement, because large amounts of data may be easily lost if they are used incorrectly.

Finally, implementation of these commands has security implications because large amounts of data might be handled without operating system control. For detailed descriptions of these commands, please see the SCSI-2 specification.

Additional query words: 3.50 SCSI DDK NTDDK passthrough

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Last Reviewed: March 1, 1999
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