The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSERROR_VOLUME_EXISTS is defined in the Error.h file that ships with the Windows 95 DDK as 606h. However, the value of ERROR_VOLUME_EXISTS used internally by Windows 95 (IFSMGR and the FSDs shipped with the product) is 284h. As a result, IFSMGR rejects the remount request and forces a new mount if FSDs for removeable media returns ERROR_VOLUME_EXISTS. RESOLUTION
This has been fixed for future versions of Windows. FSDs for Windows 95
should use the value 284h for ERROR_VOLUME_EXISTS for Windows 95, and the
value 606h for versions beyond Windows 95. The following code fragment
might be used for FSDs to determine what error number to return for
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Last Reviewed: March 2, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |