INFO: Win95 Video Capture Drivers Must be 16-Bit

ID: Q165720

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK) Windows 95


Windows 95 video capture drivers must be 16-bit to work with Video For Windows.


Under Windows 95, video capture drivers cannot be 32-bit if you want them to communicate with Video For Windows. Video For Windows requires 16-bit video capture drivers. It is possible for the 16-bit video capture driver to thunk to a 32-bit dll, but Video For Windows assumes the video capture driver is 16-bit. If you want to use a 32-bit video capture driver, then you cannot use Video For Windows API's and you must establish your own interface between the application and 32-bit video capture driver.

You can use MSVC 1.5x to build video capture drivers since it is a 16-bit compiler. MSVC 2.0 and above are 32-bit compilers.

Additional query words: vfw vid cap

Keywords : kbmm
Version : 4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 3, 1999
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