INFO: Introduction to Windows NT Kernel Special Pool

ID: Q192486

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK) for Windows NT, version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 2000

This article discusses a Beta release of a Microsoft product. The information in this article is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. No formal product support is available from Microsoft for this Beta product. For information about obtaining support for a Beta release, please see the documentation included with the Beta product files, or check the Web location from which you downloaded the release.


Kernel pool corruption has been difficult to debug in Windows NT because typically the system crashes before you can find the culprit. Some common causes of kernel pool corruption include:

  • Code that allocates N bytes of pool and then reads or writes N+1 bytes.

  • Code that frees pool and then accesses or modifies it after freeing it.

  • Code that frees the same pool multiple times.

  • Code that accesses memory in front of the allocation.

A new feature called Kernel Special Pool is included in Windows 2000 Beta 2 and in Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, which can be used to find these types of problems. This article describes how the Kernel Special Pool works.


The "special pool" feature causes a complete page of memory to be allocated for each request that matches the specified tag or allocation size. Kernel Special Pool is only in effect when the requested allocation size is less than PAGE_SIZE.

If you have overrun detection enabled (described later in this article), you will crash if you access beyond your allocation. If you have underrun detection enabled (described later in this article), you will crash if you access memory before you reach your allocation. If you touch your allocation after freeing it, you will crash. If you free your allocation twice, you will crash (provided that the allocation has not been reused). Unlike regular pool, which is LIFO, special pool is FIFO. Also, computers with more memory are given a bigger range of special pool virtual addresses. The stack at failure reflects the exact instruction that caused the system to crash. Using the debugger, you can identify the culprit and the information you need to fix the problem.

Kernel Special Pool catches almost all problems associated with pool corruption, and it catches them early enough so that you can fix them easily. Kernel Special Pool works on both the checked and free versions of the operating system. Use Kernel Special Pool only during debugging. Do not enable it in a production environment because it increases the amount of pool that is used and committed (such as pagefile space) on the system. Kernel Special Pool can also cause premature paging since the memory usage can be much greater.

Overrun Detection vs. Underrun Detection

Overrun detection (the default) is a check to ensure that you do not access past your memory allocation. This is accomplished by 8-byte aligning the request to the end of the allocated page and marking the page as no-access following the allocation. If you try to access past the end of the allocated pool, a system trap occurs.

Underrun detection is a check to insure that you do not access memory in front of the memory allocation. This is accomplished by aligning the request at the beginning of the allocated page and marking the page as no- access before the allocation. If you try to access prior to the beginning of the allocated page, a system trap occurs.

In both cases, single-byte corruption within the alignment portion of the page is also detected. If it exists, this slush space, which is less than the alignment size-8 bytes, is at the end of the page for overruns or in the rest of the page for underruns. Corruption in these portions of the page causes a bug check upon release of the memory instead of at the time of the bad access because these cannot be enforced using existing hardware mechanisms.

Kernel Special Pool Characteristics

The following summarizes characteristics of the kernel special pool:

  • Allocations are always in PAGE_SIZE increments for both Paged and NonPaged pool type allocations.

  • There is only one memory allocation per page.

  • Allocation is 8-byte aligned to the end of the page for overrun detection.

  • Allocation is page aligned for underrun detection.

  • The page following the allocation and the page before the allocation are invalid for both overrun and underrun detection.

  • When the allocation is freed, the page or pages are marked invalid until they are reused. An LRU algorithm insures that freed pools are not reused immediately, but obviously cannot protect the page's reuse forever.

Methods for Specifying Pool Allocations

There are two methods that you can use to specify pool allocations:

  • By pool tag (ASCII characters): Use this method to track a specific component's allocations. You can use wild cards ("?" matches any single character and "*" matches multiple characters). For example:

    Fat*, Ntfi, Av?4

  • By size in pool blocks: Use this method to track corruption based on a specific allocation size, regardless of the tag value. You should use one of the following decimal values (for 32-bit systems):
         40   for pool blocks in range (0..32] bytes
         72   for pool blocks in range (32..64] bytes
        104   for pool blocks in range (64..96] bytes
        136   for pool blocks in range (96..128] bytes 
    ...and so on.

Enabling Kernel Special Pool

There are two different ways to enable Kernel Special Pool. Each requires a you to restart the operating system.

  • Add two new registry values, PoolTag and PoolTagOverruns, to the registry.
                   Session Manager
                      Memory Management
                         PoolTag : REG_DWORD : PoolTag_Data
                         PoolTagOverruns : REG_DWORD : PoolTagOverruns_Data 

    The PoolTag data represents either four ASCII characters or an allocation size. Because Intel and Alpha processors are little-endian, the ASCII tag must be stored in reverse order. If the data entered is less than PAGE_SIZE, it is assumed to be an allocation size (the exception being the wild card characters "?" and "*," discussed later in this section). Otherwise, the data value is assumed to be an ASCII tag.

    The PoolTagOverruns data represents the direction to monitor: 0 (zero) for underrun detection, or 1 (one) for overrun detection. The system defaults to overrun detection if the PoolTagOverruns value is not defined.

    To create a tag called XyzA manually:

    1. Start with string XyzA.

    2. Reverse the string to AzyX.

    3. Use an ASCII table to get the value of each letter. AzyX is represented as 0x417a7958.

    4. Enter the DWORD into the registry.

    Remember that uppercase and lowercase letters have different ASCII values. The question mark "?" represents any single character and an asterisk "*" represents multiple characters. To track all tags that start with "G," use "G*" as a PoolTag. Use just "*" (0x0000002A) to track all allocations.

  • Run the GFLAGS utility from the Windows NT Resource Kit.

    In the Kernel Special Pool Tag section, select either Hex or Text, and type the pool tag that you want in the box. To remove the tag value, clear the string in the tag box and select Apply.

    If you are typing the text, the tag value appears in the box in the normal, forward direction. The GFLAGS utility reverses the string and enters the correct numeric value. By selecting Text and typing XyzA, you store PoolTag as 0x417a7958.

    To use a numeric value, the digits that you type in the box are stored in the registry in exactly the same order. By selecting Hex and typing 12345678, you store 0x12345678 as the PoolTag data.

    GFLAGS currently cannot set the PoolTagOverrruns value (that is, it cannot specify overrun or underrun), so the default setting of overrun detection will be enabled unless you manually add the PoolTagOverruns value to the registry as described earlier.

Pool Corruption Debugging Strategies

You might need to focus on a specific pool tag if it looks like the beginning or end of your allocation is corrupted. For a corruption at the beginning, you have to find the tag of the allocation before the corrupted one and focus on it. For a corruption at the end, you have to find the tag of the allocation after the corrupted one and focus on it. It might be difficult to find the correct tag for an overrun, because the corruption will likely invalidate the pool header that has control information.

If you are unsure of the corrupting component, but you are sure of the allocation size that is causing problems, you can set the PoolTag value in the registry to the size that corresponds to the size range that the corrupter might be using. If you do this, memory management will allocate these blocks in the special pool. Look at the header prior to the one you think is corrupted. That might be the one that is overwriting past the end of its allocation and corrupting your allocation. If the end of your pool allocation seems corrupted (possibly caused by the next allocation writing backward over your allocation), then you can set PoolTag to the size of the next block and also set PoolTagOverruns to zero to enable underrun detection.

Debugging Failures for Special Pool

If some kernel component writes beyond the limit of the block allocated, a memory fault occurs. The typical bug check is 0x50 (PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA) or 0xA (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) and the top of the stack should be similar to the following:

   ntkrnlmp!KeBugCheckEx+[ASCII 133]
   ntkrnlmp!MmAccessFault+[ASCII 133]
   ntkrnlmp!KiTrap0E+[ASCII 133]
   Module!Function ... 

This indicates a high probability that the "Module" code accesses memory beyond what is allocated.


  • Use Kernel Special Pool to catch driver memory problems before you release your driver.

  • Use ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate memory, rather then ExAllocatePool. Choose useful, unique tag values.

  • Use the kernel debugger and become familiar with debugging driver problems.


See the Windows NT DDK for additional driver and debugging information.

Keywords : kbDDK kbDebug kbNTOS400 kbWinOS2000
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 5, 1999
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