HOWTO: Use Testdrv.sys from Windows 98 DDK as a WDM PnP Driver

ID: Q202060

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK) Windows 98


The Windows 98 DDK contains sample source code for a generic WDM driver in the \ddk\src\general\sys directory. Building this sample yields a binary file named Testdrv.sys. This article discusses how to create an inf and modify the sample so that it can be used as a generic WDM PnP driver.


The sample as it exists in early versions of the Windows 98 DDK (including the July and October 1998 MSDN releases) does not function correctly as a PnP driver. Using the driver results in Device Manager displaying error code 7 (CM_PROB_FAILED_FILTER).

The problem is that the DRVSHELL_Dispatch function in Drvshell.c by default sets Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS. The IRP_MJ_PNP handler does not explicitly handle the IRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS IRP. When Ntkern.vxd sees that this IRP has been completed and IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS, it expects that the driver has set IoStatus.Information to point to an IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST structure containing the filtered resource list. Because the sample driver fails to set IoStatus.Information appropriately, Ntkern.vxd emits a "Filtering into nothing, returning failure" debug message and fails the CONFIG_FILTER message resulting in the error code 7.

The following code shows how an IRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS handler can be added to the sample driver to work around this problem by indicating that it is not filtering the resource requirements:

    case IRP_MJ_PNP:
                Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

Alternately, if resource filtering is required, the IRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS handler could leave IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS and set IoStatus.Information to point to an IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST structure containing the filtered resource list.

The following sample inf installs Testdrv.sys as a WDM PnP driver loaded by Ntkern.vxd. This inf can be easily adapted for use with any hardware device by including the appropriate hardware ID in the [WDMTest] Device section:

;set Class to appropriate type for your device
;set ClassGUID to appropriate value for the Class
1="WDM Test Driver Disk",,0
"WDM Test Driver"=WDM_Install, <your hardware ID>;
WDM.CopyFiles      = 10,system32\drivers ; %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers
Provider="Your Provider Name"
Manufacturer="Your Manufacturer Name" 


See the Windows 98 DDK for more information on WDM and PnP.

Keywords : kbDDK kbKMode kbWinOS98
Version : WINDOWS:Windows 98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: March 6, 1999
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