Debugging OLE 2.0 Applications Under Win32s

ID: Q123812

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32s version 1.2


The following are available to help you debug your OLE 2.0 applications under Win32s:

  • Debug versions of the OLE DLLs, included with Win32s. (See the Win32s Programmer's Reference for more information on the debug DLLs.)

  • Failure/trace messages.

  • The OLE SDK for Win32s, version 1.2, included on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) CD.

For information on a utility that will convert OLE error codes into error message, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q122957 SAMPLE: DECODE32: OLE Error Code Decoder Tool


The debug version of OLE can send diagnostic information to the debug terminal. To enable this feature, include the following lines in the SYSTEM.INI:

Use ole20str for 32-bit OLE and ole20str16 for 16-bit OLE. Set them to a combination of the following letters (case sensitive):
f - Failure message, kind of asserts.
v - Verbose. General purpose messages.
1 - Trace special translation activity for 32/16 interoperability.
i - Trace initialization of OLE.
t - Trace termination and cleanup of OLE.
The following tools are contained in the OLE SDK for Win32s, version 1.2:

  • DFVIEW - Show the content of storage files.

  • LRPCSPY - Monitor LRPC messages sent by 16-bit OLE applications (does not require Win32s).

  • RPCSPY32 - Monitor LRPC messages from both 16-bit and 32-bit OLE applications.

  • DOBJVIEW and DOBJVW32 - View objects placed on the clipboard as well as objects transferred by drag and drop.

  • IROTVIEW and IROTVW32 - Display the contents of the OLE running object table (ROT).

  • OLE2VIEW and OLE2VW32 - Identify objects, interfaces, inproc and local servers, registration database entries, and so on.

Additional query words: 1.20

Keywords : kbDebug kbOLE200 kbWin32s kbGrpCom kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:1.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 26, 1999
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