INFO: Windows 95 Support for Network DDE

ID: Q125703

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Application Programming Interface (API), included with:
    • Microsoft Windows 95


Network DDE is a technology that allows applications that use the DDE transport to transparently exchange data over a network. It consists of two major components:

  1. The NetDDE agent. This is a service that acts as a proxy for the remote DDE application. It communicates with all local DDE applications, and with remote NetDDE agents using NetBIOS as shown in this chart:
         Machine A                                        Machine B
       +-----------+                                   +-----------+
       |           |                                   |           |
       | DDE App 1 |                                   | DDE App 2 |
       |           |                                   |           |
       +-----------+                                   +-----------+
               ^ |                                        ^ |
               | |                                        | |
               | |                                        | |
               | |                                        | |
               DDE                                        DDE
           Conversation                               Conversation
               | |                                        | |
               | |                                        | |
               | V                                        | V
            +------+                                   +------+
            |NetDDE|                                   |NetDDE|
            | Agent| < ------ NetBIOS session ------ > | Agent|
            +------+                                   +------+ 

  2. A DLL that implements NetDDE API functions such as NDdeShareAdd, NDdeShareDel, and so on. This DLL is usually named NDDEAPI.DLL.

In the interests of backwards compatibility, Windows 95 includes a NetDDE agent and a 16-bit NetDDE API DLL. However, Windows 95 does not include a 32-bit NetDDE API DLL. Consequently, 32-bit applications that use NetDDE API functions will need to thunk to the 16-bit NETAPI.DLL.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbnetwork kbAPI kbSDKPlatform kbWinOS95 kbGrpNet
Version : winnt:
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 13, 2000
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