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SUMMARYOne of the more frequent trap codes generated by Windows NT is STOP 0x0000000A. This STOP message can be caused by both hardware and software problems. To determine the specific cause, you must debug the STOP. However, some general information can be learned by examining the parameters of the STOP message and the STOP screen information. MORE INFORMATION
STOP 0x0000000A indicates a kernel mode process or driver attempted to
access a memory address that it did not have permission to access. The most
common cause of this error is a bad or corrupt pointer that references an
incorrect location in memory. A pointer is a variable used by a program to
refer to a block of memory. If the variable has a bad value in it, then the
program tries to access memory that it should not. When this occurs in a
user mode application, it generates an access violation. When it occurs in
kernel mode, it generates a STOP 0x0000000A message.
The four parameters inside the parenthesis have the following meaning:
If the last parameter (0xZZZZZZZZ) falls within the address range of one of the device drivers loaded on the system, you will know which device driver was running when the memory access occurred. This driver is often identified in the third line of the STOP screen: **Address 0xZZZZZZZZ has base at <address>- <driver name> If <driver name> is a specific driver, search in the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the keyword 0x0000000A and the driver name. If you don't find any relevant articles, contact Microsoft Product Support. Additional query words: 3.50 3.51 prodnt tshoot blue screen trap irql_not_less_or_equal
Keywords : kberrmsg ntstop |
Last Reviewed: December 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |