BUG: Windows 95 Does Not Allow Send with MSG_PARTIAL Flag

ID: Q139800

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK), version 4.0


The Winsock API send() on Windows 95 does not allow the last parameter to be set to MSG_PARTIAL. The call fails with Winsock error 10045 (Operation not supported on socket).


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Windows 95. A fix to this problem is in development, but has not been regression-tested and may be destabilizing in production environments. Microsoft does not recommend implementing this fix at this time. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for more information on the availability of this fix.


Winsock applications on Windows NT that use message-oriented protocols like SPX with SOCK_SEQPACKET may use the send() API with the last parameter specified as MSG_PARTIAL to indicate that the message bit should be respected by the transport.

Windows 95 does not allow this option.

Keywords : kbnetwork kbAPI kbSDKPlatform kbWinOS95bug kbWinsock kbGrpNet
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: March 6, 1999
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