The information in this article applies to:
The LANGUAGE statement in resource files sets the language for all
resources up to the next LANGUAGE statement or to the end of the file. When
the LANGUAGE statement appears before the BEGIN in an ACCELERATORS, DIALOG,
MENU, RCDATA, or STRINGTABLE resource definition, the specified language
applies only to that resource. LANGUAGE language, sublanguage MORE INFORMATION
In Windows NT, several language versions of the same resource (with the
same ID and type) can be loaded at the same time. The programmer can decide
which language version of the resource to use dynamicaly by calling
SetThreadLocale(). For example, the following is in a RC file:
In Winodws NT, you can call SetThreadLocale (MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_GERMAN, SUBLANG_GERMAN), SORT_DEFAULT)) to set the thread locale to German, and the German resource (the first dialog box) would is automatically used. In Windows 95, multiple copies of a resource with exactly the same ID and resource type cannot be loaded at the same time. Thus, the only value of LANGUAGE that works is the one that matches the current locale. In the previous example, if the current system locale is German, then only the German dialog box will be loaded. Additional query words: 4.00 1.30 setlocale kbinf
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Last Reviewed: March 5, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |