PRB: Palettes Not Realized Properly by a Direct3D Application

ID: Q159961

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft DirectX Software Development Kit, versions 2.0, 3.0, used with:
    • Microsoft Windows 95


Direct3D applications that create Direct3DRMDevices from DirectDraw Clipper objects with the CreateDeviceFromClipper() function may not properly realize the Direct3D palette in use. This behavior occurs when the window associated with the Clipper object is not the active window.


Direct3D relies on the WM_ACTIVATE message processing to do palette realization.


For the Direct3D application to correctly realize the palette used by Direct3D, the window to which the DirectDraw Clipper object is associated should be the currently-active window at the time the Direct3DRMDevice is created. This is accomplished by calling the SetFocus() function and passing in the applications Main Window handle to bring the application to the foreground.

Another workaround is to avoid creating the Direct3DRMDevice from a Direct Draw Clipper object. Instead, the application could create a Direct3DRMDevice from a Direct Draw Surface. However, this would require the application to manage the surface and the palettes used by that Direct Draw Surface.


This behavior is by design.

Additional query words: 2.00 3.00 KbDSI

Keywords : KbDirectX300 kbSDKWin32 kbDirectX200
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,3.0,95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 8, 1999
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