INFO: Enabling IME windows Causes Focus Problems

ID: Q169482

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK)


On Asian versions of Windows 95 or Windows NT, Input Method Editor (IME) is used to enter characters. Each thread of an application would have several IME windows (both visible and hidden windows), such as "Default IME","msime95main" and "Mode", attached to the thread. These IME windows have window style WS_POPUP|WS_DISABLE. It is very important that the application does not change the IME Windows styles, and does not try to enable the window by calling EnableWindow() on these IME windows.

If you change the IME Windows styles or try to enable the IME windows, the IME windows will steal focus from your application window and the IME status window or candidate window will be inaccessible by mouse clicks.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbprg intlnls
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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