Establishing Advise Loop on Same topic!item!format! Name

ID: Q95983

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1
  • Microsoft Win32 Application Programming Interface (API), included with:
    • Microsoft Windows NT, versions 3.5, 3.51
    • Microsoft Windows 95


Sometimes more than one DDEML client application might establish an advise loop with a server on the same topic!item!format name set. This article discusses the complexities involved in such a transaction.


A client application sends an XTYP_ADVSTART to DDEML when it needs periodic updates on a particular data item from a server, typically when that particular data item's value changes.

The server application calls DdePostAdvise whenever the value of the requested data item changes. This results in an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction being sent to the server's DDEML callback function, where the server returns a handle to the changed data.

The client then receives the updated data item during the XTYP_ADVDATA transaction in the case of a hot advise loop. In a warm advise loop, the XTYP_ADVDATA transaction that the client receives in its callback does not contain data; it has to specifically request data with an XTYP_REQUEST transaction.

When more than one client application requests an advise loop on the same topic!item!format name set, DDEML maintains a list of these client applications so that it knows that on one call to DdePostAdvise(), it should send the changed hData to all the requesting applications in its list.

The server's callback receives an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction as a result of DdePostAdvise() with the LOWORD (dwData1) containing a count of the number of ADVREQ transactions remaining to be processed on the same topic!item!format name set.

This count allows the server application to create its hData as HDATA_APPOWNED, whereby it could create a data handle just once and pass the same handle on to its other pending requests on the same topic!item!format name set. Finally, when the count is down to zero, DdeFreeDataHandle() can then be called on this hData.

Note that a server needs to call DdePostAdvise() only once regardless of how many pending advise requests it has on the same topic!item!format name set. This one call to DdePostAdvise() causes DDEML to send the appropriate number of XTYP_ADVREQ transactions to the server's callback.

All these can be easily illustrated using the Windows version 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) DDEML CLIENT and SERVER samples in this manner:

  1. Start the SERVER application.

  2. Follow these steps:

    • Start the CLIENT application.

    • Establish a connection with the SERVER.

    • Start an advise loop on the item "Rand".

  3. Follow these steps:

    • Start another instance of the client application.

    • Establish a connection with the SERVER.

    • Start an advise loop on the item Rand.

  4. Bring up DDESPY.

  5. Go back to the SERVER and choose ChangeData from the Options menu and watch both CLIENT applications update their data.

Results (from DDESPY main window):
  1. Two XTYP_ADVREQs (because you have two pending ADVREQs on the same test!Rand pair.

  2. Changed Rand data is then sent to the first CLIENT in the advise list.

  3. The first CLIENT in the advise list receives the data via XTYP_ADVDATA.

  4. Changed "Rand" data is sent to the second CLIENT in the advise list.

  5. The second CLIENT in the advise list receives its XTYP_ADVDATA.

One caveat to this scenario is when an advise loop is invoked with the XTYPF_ACKREQ flag set (that is, the client establishes an XTYP_ADVSTART transaction or'ed with the XTYPF_ACKREQ flag). In this case, the server does not send the next data item until an ACK is received from the client for the first data item. During a particular call to DdePostAdvise(), the server might not necessarily receive XTYP_ADVREQ in its callback for all active links, and the LOWORD(dwData1) might not necessarily reach 0 (zero). When the DDE_FACK from the client finally arrives, DDEML then sends the server an XTYP_ADVREQ with LOWORD(dwData1) set to CADV_LATEACK, identifying the late-arriving ACK appropriately.

Advise links of this kind (with XTYPF_ACKREQ flag set) are best suited to situations where the server sends information faster than a client can process it--setting the XTYPF_ACKREQ bit ensures that the server never outruns the client. However, setting this flag also sets a drawback in circumstances where data transitions may be lost. Thus, in Windows NT or in similar situations where server outrun is highly unlikely, it is recommended that the XTYPF_ACKREQ bit not be used to prevent such data transition loss.

Note that in this delayed ACK update scenario, the count received in the LOWORD (dwData1) may not be relied upon for creating APPOWNED data handles as discussed in the earlier paragraphs; where an hData is created once, and when the count is down to zero, DdeFreeDataHandle() is called on this hData.

This does not, however, imply that the efficiency provided by APPOWNED data handles may not be used at all. In this case, a server could create an APPOWNED data handle once--usually on the first XTYP_ADVREQ it receives--and associate that handle with a topic!item!format name set. It could then return this data handle for all subsequent requests it receives on this topic!item!format set. Each time data changes thereafter, the server should destroy the old data handle and not re-render the data [that is, call DdeCreateDataHandle()] until another request comes through.

This might be better explained as follows:

      case XTYP_ADVREQ:
           if (ThisIsForTheTopicItemFormatSpecified)
               if (bFirstTimeRequested)
                      bFirstTimeRequested = FALSE;
                      hData = DdeCreateDataHandle();
                return hData;

     // and then whenever data changes for this topic!item!format
         if (hData)
             DdeFreeDataHandle (hData);
             bFirstTimeRequested = TRUE;
         DdePostAdvise();         // specify topic!item!format here.
                                  // This causes DDEML to send an
                                  // which is handled above. 
For Microsoft Windows version 3.1 DDEML, the only way for a server application to distinguish which client's advise request is currently being responded to is through the XTYP_ADVREQ's hConv parameter. The hConvPartner field of the CONVINFO structure may be used to distinguish between clients.

Additional query words: 3.10 3.50 4.00

Keywords : kbNTOS350 kbNTOS351 kbWinOS95
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,95; winnt:3.5,3.51
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 24, 1999
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