INFO: Migration of Boot Loader from Windows CE 2.11 to 2.12

ID: Q248992

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder, versions 2.11, 2.12


When migrating your boot loader from Windows CE 2.11 to Windows CE 2.12, you must ensure that the following change is made:

Before compiling, make a code change to the SOURCES file for Nk.exe and the boot loader as shown below to reflect the LDEFINE flags as appropriate:

!IF "$(_WINCEOSVER)"=="300" || "$(_WINCEOSVER)"=="212"






ROMIMAGE gives unpredictable results if EXEBASE is not specified for Nk.exe. The EXEBASE value is also ignored if KERNELFIXUPS=on (default case). On x86 systems, the definition of EXEBASE is very significant because in the Init.asm file, EXEBASE is used by OFFSET32 in the following line:

mov ebx, OFFSET32 PagingEnabled 
However, OFFSET32 is resolved at link time and EXEBASE is used to determine the 32-bit number. If EXEBASE is not present as a definite value when ROMIMAGE is executed, the system will malfunction. Updating EXEBASE works around this issue.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbWinCE211 kbDSupport kbWinCE212
Version : N\A:2.11,2.12
Platform : N\A
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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