INF: Unable to Save Typelib Changed in Component Builder

ID: Q178147

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft COM Transaction Integrator for CICS and IMS, version 1.0


If you open a Component Library in Component Builder (CB) and make a change to it, you are unable to save it. The Save menu item is disabled. Check the CB title bar to see if the component is either Registered or Read Only.

This article describes a situation in which the reason that a typelib cannot be saved, is less obvious. A Visual Basic (VB) project is open that references a particular typelib. Subsequently, the programmer decides to make a change to the typelib and, in preparation, deletes it from its Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) package. Therefore, it is no longer registered. Let's also say it is not marked read-only. The programmer then starts Component Builder (CB), opens the typelib and changes it. When CB is instructed to save the typelib, a message box appears with the following text:

Cannot overwrite ~\<filename>.TLB. Check that the file is not being used by another application...
You cannot save it because the VB project has a reference to it. There are two solutions. The first solution is to close the VB project. The second is to temporarily remove the component as a reference in the VB project. In either case, you can then save the typelib.


To save a Component Library when the title bar says "Registered," first use MTS Explorer snap-in to shut down the server processes, and then delete the Component Library from its package.

To save a Component Library when the title bar says "Read Only," first use Windows Explorer to remove this property from the typelib.

Additional query words:

Keywords : CTICB CTIProg CTIVB
Version : Windows:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 17, 1999
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