Platform SDK: Logon Authentication


The SecPkgInfo structure provides general information about a security package, such as its name and capabilities.

typedef struct _SecPkgInfo {
      ULONG fCapabilities;  // capability of bit mask
      USHORT wVersion;      // version of driver
      USHORT wRPCID;        // identifier for RPC run time
      ULONG cbMaxToken;     // size of authentication token
      SEC_CHAR * Name;      // text name
      SEC_CHAR * Comment;   // comment
} SecPkgInfo, * PSecPkgInfo;   


Set of bit flags that describes the capabilities of the security package. This member can be a combination of the following flags.
Value Meaning
SECPKG_FLAG_INTEGRITY Verifies that all messages exchanged have not been tampered with or exchanged out of sequence.
SECPKG_FLAG_PRIVACY All messages are tamper proof and are not passed in plaintext. Reserved for future use.
SECPKG_FLAG_TOKEN_ONLY The package is interested only in the security-token portion of messages, and will ignore any other buffers. This is a performance-related issue.
SECPKG_FLAG_DATAGRAM Supports datagram-style authentication. For more information, see Context Semantics.
SECPKG_FLAG_CONNECTION Supports connection-oriented style authentication. For more information, see Context Semantics.
SECPKG_FLAG_MULTI_REQUIRED Multiple legs are required for authentication.
SECPKG_FLAG_CLIENT_ONLY Server authentication support is not provided.
SECPKG_FLAG_EXTENDED_ERROR Supports extended error handling. For more information, see Extended Error Information.
SECPKG_FLAG_IMPERSONATION Supports Win32 impersonation in server contexts.
SECPKG_FLAG_ACCEPT_WIN32_NAME Understands Win32 principal and target names.
SECPKG_FLAG_STREAM Supports stream semantics. For more information, see Context Semantics.

Specifies the version of the package protocol. Must be 1.
Specifies a DCE RPC identifier, if appropriate. If the package does not implement one of the DCE registered security systems, the reserved value SECPKG_ID_NONE is used.
Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the token.
Pointer to a NULL-terminated string that contains the name of the security package.
Pointer to a NULL-terminated string. This can be any additional string passed back by the package.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.51 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Sspi.h; include Security.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

EnumerateSecurityPackages, QuerySecurityPackageInfo