Platform SDK: Logon Authentication


The SecPkgContext_Sizes structure indicates the sizes of important structures used in the message support functions. The QueryContextAttributes function uses this structure.

typedef struct _SecPkgContext_Sizes {
  ULONG    cbMaxToken;
  ULONG    cbMaxSignature;
  ULONG    cbBlockSize;
  ULONG    cbSecurityTrailer;
} SecPkgContext_Sizes, * PSecPkgContext_Sizes;


Specifies the maximum size of the security token used in the authentication exchanges.
Specifies the maximum size of the signature created by the MakeSignature function. This member must be zero if integrity services are not requested or available.
Specifies the preferred integral size of the messages. F or example, 8 indicates that messages should be of size 0 mod 8 for optimal performance. Messages other than this block size can be padded.
Size of the security trailer to be appended to messages. This member should be zero if the relevant services are not requested or available.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.51 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Sspi.h; include Security.h.

See Also

MakeSignature, QueryContextAttributes