Platform SDK: MAPI |
The Platform SDK contains a variety of samples in C, C++, and Visual Basic. There are samples for different types of client applications and service providers. There are also several tools for accessing some of the basic MAPI objects.
To run any of the samples on a Windows NT platform, you must first set up the MAPI runtime system. Refer to the README.TXT that contains the release notes for the SDK.
For information about sample extensions to the Microsoft Exchange client, see About Samples in the Microsoft Exchange Client Extensions Programmer's Reference.
Note All executable names have "32" appended to them when built for 32-bit platforms. The routing client, for instance, is named ROUTE.EXE when built for 16-bit Windows, but ROUTE32.EXE when built for 32-bit Windows.
See the documentation for the CDOLibrary and extending the Microsoft Exchange Client for information about related samples.