Platform SDK: MAPI

Address Book Viewer

The Address Book Viewer is a MAPI client application that displays the properties of address book containers, distribution lists, and messaging users and exercises the methods of the address book interfaces: IAddrBook, IABContainer, IDistList, and IMailUser. The Address Book Viewer is especially useful if you are:

Quick Info

Executable: ABVIEW.EXE (16-bit platforms)
ABVIEW32.EXE (32-bit platforms)
Directory for source code: ABVIEW.CLI*
Written in: C++ using Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
Supports: All platforms

*This directory is located at

List of Source Files

ABIMAGES.BMP: Bitmaps used in the Address Book Viewer
ABVIEW.CPP CAppWin class, main menu, and common code
ABVIEW.H Common definitions
ABVIEW.ICO Address Book Viewer application icon
ABVIEW.RC Address Book Viewer resource script
ABVIEW16.DEF Address Book Viewer 16-bit module definition file
MAKEFILE Builds the 32-bit version of the Address Book Viewer
MAKEFILE.16 Builds the 16-bit version of the Address Book Viewer
RESOURCE.H Resource identifiers
TBLLIST.CPP CTblList class, used for viewing IMAPITable data in a listbox
TBLLIST.H CTblList class definitions