Platform SDK: MAPI

Creating a Recipient

Clients create recipients when they are addressing messages and when they are adding entries to modifiable address book containers. MAPI provides three methods for creating recipients:




Call IAddrBook::CreateOneOff when you are creating recipients to be used to address messages. CreateOneOff creates a specially formatted one-off entry identifier to be associated with an address of a particular address type. For more information about one-offs and one-off entry identifiers, see One-Off Addresses and One-Off Entry Identifiers.

Call IAddrBook::NewEntry when you are creating recipients to be used either to address messages or to add to a container. NewEntry has three pairs of parameters that contain entry identifiers. These parameters are described as follows:

Parameter pair Description
cbEidContainer and lpEidContainer Entry identifier for the container into which the new entry should be placed.
cbEidNewEntryTpl and lpEidNewEntryTpl Entry identifier for the template to be used to create the new entry.
lpcbEidNewEntry and lppEidNewEntry Entry identifier for the new entry.

To create a recipient for an outgoing message, set cbEidContainer to zero and lpEidContainer to NULL. NewEntry creates a recipient with an entry identifier that conforms to the one-off format, the same type of recipient that is produced by a call to IAddrBook::CreateOneOff.

To create a recipient to be inserted into a particular container, set lpEidContainer to the container's entry identifier and cbEidContainer to the number of bytes in the container's entry identifier.

To use a template to create a recipient, set lpEidNewEntryTpl to the entry identifier of the template to be used and cbEidNewEntryTpl to the count of bytes in this entry identifier. Most modifiable address book containers support one or more templates for creating entries of a particular type. One-off templates are typically, but not always, dialog boxes. Entering information into the template produces a recipient with an address that is correctly formatted for the type.

Obtain the template entry identifier from either:

Note  Do not confuse a new entry template's entry identifier with a different type of entry identifier called a template identifier. A template identifier is used only by providers to maintain entries copied from other providers; it is never used by clients and it is not used to create new entries.

To allow the user to determine the type of entry to be created, pass zero for cbEidNewEntryTpl and NULL for lpEidNewEntryTpl. When this occurs, NewEntry displays a common dialog box built from MAPI's one-off table — a hierarchical list of all of the templates supported by each address book provider in the profile.

When an address type has been determined, either through the setting of the lpEidNewEntryTpl parameter or a selection by the user from the one-off table display, NewEntry displays the corresponding template using its display table. All new entry templates support the PR_DETAILS_TABLE property.

To have NewEntry return the entry identifier of the created entry, pass a valid address for the lpcbEidNewEntry and lppEidNewEntry parameters. MAPI places the new entry identifier at the address pointed to by lppEidNewEntry and the byte count of the new entry identifier at the address pointed to by lpcbEidNewEntry.

Call IABContainer::CreateEntry to create a recipient and save it into a particular address book container. You can use this method only with modifiable containers — containers that have the AB_MODIFIABLE flag set in their PR_CONTAINER_FLAGS property. Address book providers with nonmodifiable containers do not support this method. Specify the entry identifier of the template for creating an entry of the desired type in the lpEntryID parameter.

In the ulCreateFlags parameter, specify the type of duplicate entry checking required and whether or not new entries should replace existing ones. If CreateEntry fails to create a new object because of the duplicate entry checking imposed by the provider, do not expect to see an error or warning returned. Under these conditions, providers return a success code.

If you are working directly with a container and you know exactly the types of addresses that the container can create, you can call IABContainer::CreateEntry and pass the entry identifier for the appropriate template. The address book provider sets some initial default properties; you can call SetProps to set others. The user is never involved.