Platform SDK: MAPI

Developing a TNEF-Enabled Transport Provider

To promote interoperability between messaging systems that support different sets of MAPI features, MAPI provides the Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) as a standard way to transfer data. This format encapsulates MAPI properties not supported by an underlying messaging system into a binary stream that can be transferred along with the message when a transport provider sends it. The transport provider that receives the message can then decode the binary stream to retrieve all the properties of the original message and make them available to client applications. The operational model for TNEF is:

MAPI supplies an implementation of the ITnef interface for use by MAPI transport providers when working with TNEF objects. The OpenTnefStreamEx function is used to create TNEF objects and associate them with a message. TNEF streams are built on top of the OLE IStream interface. For more information on OLE and the IStream interface, see the COM and ActiveX Object Services section in the Platform SDK.

Note  You use OpenTnefStreamEx to create TNEF objects. The old OpenTnefStream function still exists for compatibility with old source code and should not be used in anything new.

The ITnef interface provides the following methods:








The MAPI TNEF implementation model supports: