Platform SDK: MAPI

Document Conventions

This manual uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description
Indicates source code, structure syntax, examples, user input, and program output. For example,
ptbl->SortTable(pSort, TBL_BATCH);
Bold Indicates an interface, method, structure, or other keyword in MAPI, the Microsoft® Windows® operating system, the OLE application programming interface, C, or C++. For example, SpoolerYield is a MAPI method. Within discussions of syntax, bold type indicates that the text must be entered exactly as shown.
Italic Indicates placeholders, most often method or function parameters; these placeholders stand for information that must be supplied by the implementation or the user. For example, lpMAPIError is a MAPI method parameter.
UPPERCASE Indicates MAPI flags, return values, and properties. For example, MAPI_UNICODE is a flag, S_OK is a return value, and PR_DISPLAY_NAME is a property. In addition, uppercase letters indicate filenames, segment names, registers, and terms used at the operating-system command level.
( ) Indicate one or more parameters that you pass to a function, in syntax.
[ ] Indicate optional syntax items. Type only
the syntax within the brackets, not the brackets themselves.

Note  The interface syntax in this book follows the variable-naming convention known as Hungarian notation, invented by the programmer Charles Simonyi. Variables are prefixed with lowercase letters that indicate their data type. For example, lpszProfileName is a long pointer to a zero-terminated string name ProfileName. For more information about Hungarian notation, see Programming Windows 95 by Charles Petzold and Code Complete by Steve McConnell.