Platform SDK: MAPI


The DTBLGROUPBOX structure describes a group box control to be used in a dialog box that is built from a display table.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIDEFS.H
Related macro: SizedDtblGroupBox

typedef struct _DTBLGROUPBOX 
     ULONG ulbLpszLabel; 
     ULONG ulFlags; 


Position in memory of the character string that accompanies the group box. If displayed, the label appears on the top, left-hand side of the box.
Bitmask of flags used to designate the format of the label pointed to by the ulbLpszLabel member. The following flag can be set:
The label is in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the label is in ANSI format.


A DTBLGROUPBOX structure describes a group box — a control that is used to visually associate other controls in the dialog box. The highlighting technique involves surrounding the other controls by a box, as illustrated in the following dialog box.

For an overview of display tables, see Display Tables. For information about implementing a display table, see Implementing a Display Table.

See Also

Display Table Structures, DTCTL