Platform SDK: MAPI


The HrDispatchNotifications function forces dispatching of all queued notifications.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIUTIL.H
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and service providers

HRESULT HrDispatchNotifications(
  ULONG ulFlags   



Reserved; must be zero.


The HrDispatchNotifications function causes MAPI to dispatch all notifications that are currently queued in the MAPI notification engine without waiting for a message dispatch. This can have a beneficial effect on memory utilization. For more information, see Forcing a Notification.

Notes to Callers

Some applications wait for a notification message in a timeout loop using the Windows PeekMessage and DispatchMessage functions. On all but the fastest platforms, such applications might experience poor performance or even blockage of notifications. Using HrDispatchNotifications not only reduces code but improves performance.

See Also

Notification Functions