[in] Handle of the parent window for the progress indicator. The ulUIParam parameter is ignored unless the FOLDER_DIALOG flag is set in the ulFlags parameter.
[in] Pointer to a progress object for displaying a progress indicator. If NULL is passed in lpProgress, the message store provider displays a progress indicator using the MAPI progress object implementation. The lpProgress parameter is ignored unless the FOLDER_DIALOG flag is set in ulFlags.
[in] Bitmask of flags that controls how the folder is emptied. The following flags can be set:
Deletes all subfolders, including subfolders containing messages with associated content. The DEL_ASSOCIATED flag only has meaning for the top-level folder the call acts on.
Displays a progress indicator while the operation proceeds.
Return Values
The folder was successfully emptied.
The call succeeded, but the folder was not completely emptied. When this warning is returned, the call should be handled as successful. To test for this warning, use the HR_FAILED macro. See Using Macros for Error Handling.
The IMAPIFolder::EmptyFolder method deletes all of a folder's contents without deleting the folder itself.
During an EmptyFolder call, submitted messages are not deleted.
A folder's associated information includes messages that are used to describe views and form definitions.
Notes to Implementers
Do not call IMsgStore::AbortSubmit for messages in the folder that have been submitted. Submitted messages are not deleted.
Notes to Callers
Expect these return values under the following conditions:
Return value
EmptyFolder has successfully emptied the folder.
EmptyFolder was unable to completely empty the folder.
EmptyFolder was unable to complete.
Any error value
When EmptyFolder is unable to complete, do not assume that no work was done. EmptyFolder might have been able to delete some of the folder's contents before encountering the error.