Platform SDK: MAPI

IMAPIForm : IUnknown

The IMAPIForm interface is used by form viewers to work with form view contexts and form notification, to perform form verbs, and to shut down forms.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Form objects
Implemented by: Form servers
Called by: Form viewers
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIForm
Pointer type: LPMAPIFORM

Vtable Order

SetViewContext Establishes a view context for the form.
GetViewContext Returns the current view context for the form.
ShutdownForm Closes the form.
DoVerb Requests that the form perform whatever tasks it associates with a specific verb.
Advise Registers a form viewer for notifications about events affecting the form.
Unadvise Cancels a registration for notifications with a form viewer previously established with a call to the IMAPIForm::Advise method.