Platform SDK: MAPI


The IMAPISession::GetStatusTable method provides access to the status table — a table with information about all of the MAPI resources in the session.

Quick Info

See IMAPISession : IUnknown.

HRESULT GetStatusTable(
  ULONG ulFlags,              
  LPMAPITABLE FAR * lppTable  


[in] Bitmask of flags that determines the format for columns that are character strings. The following flag can be set:
The string columns are in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the string columns are in ANSI format.
[out] Pointer to a pointer to the status table.

Return Values

The table was successfully returned.


The IMAPISession::GetStatusTable method provides access to the status table — a table with information about all of the MAPI resources in the session. There is one row in the table with information about the MAPI subsystem, one row for the MAPI spooler, one row for the integrated address book, and one row for each of the service providers in the profile.

For a complete list of required and optional columns in the status table, see Status Table.

Setting the MAPI_UNICODE flag in the ulFlags parameter affects the format of the columns returned from the following IMAPITable methods:



This flag also controls the property types in the sort order returned by the IMAPITable::QuerySortOrder method.

See Also

IMAPITable::QueryColumns, IMAPITable::QueryRows, IMAPITable::QuerySortOrder, IMAPITable::SetColumns, IMAPITable::SortTable