Platform SDK: MAPI


The IMAPISupport::WrapStoreEntryID method converts a message store's internal entry identifier to an entry identifier in the MAPI standard format.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknown.

HRESULT WrapStoreEntryID(
  ULONG cbOrigEntry,              
  LPENTRYID lpOrigEntry,          
  ULONG FAR * lpcbWrappedEntry,   
  LPENTRYID FAR * lppWrappedEntry  


[in] Count of bytes in the entry identifier pointed to by the lpOrigEntry parameter.
[in] Pointer to the private entry identifier for the message store.
[out] Pointer to the count of bytes in the entry identifier pointed to by the lppWrappedEntry parameter.
[out] Pointer to a pointer to the wrapped entry identifier.

Return Values

The entry identifier was successfully wrapped.


The IMAPISupport::WrapStoreEntryID method is implemented for all service provider support objects. Service providers use WrapStoreEntryID to have MAPI generate an entry identifier for a message store that wraps the store's internal entry identifier.

Notes to Callers

When a client calls your message store's IMAPIProp::GetProps method to retrieve its PR_STORE_ENTRYID property and your message store uses an entry identifier in a private format, call WrapStoreEntryID and return the entry identifier pointed to by lppWrappedEntry.

Calls to the IMSProvider::Logon and IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs methods always obtain the store's private entry identifier; the wrapped version is used only between client applications and MAPI.

Free the memory for the entry identifier pointed to by the lppWrappedEntry parameter using the MAPIFreeBuffer function when you have finished using it.

See Also

IMAPIProp::GetProps, IMAPISupport::CompareEntryIDs, IMSLogon::CompareEntryIDs, IMSProvider::Logon, MAPIFreeBuffer