Platform SDK: MAPI |
The IMAPITable::SeekRowApprox method moves the cursor to an approximate fractional position in the table.
HRESULT SeekRowApprox( ULONG ulNumerator, ULONG ulDenominator );
The cursor position in a table after a call to the IMAPITable::SeekRowApprox method is heuristically the fraction and might not be exact. For example, certain providers might implement a table on top of a binary tree, treating the table's halfway point as the top of the tree for performance reasons. If the tree is not balanced, then the halfway point used might not be exactly halfway through the table.
Call SeekRowApprox to provide the data for a scroll bar implementation. For example, if the user positions the scroll box 2/3 down the scroll bar, you can model that action by calling SeekRowApprox and passing in an equivalent fractional value using ulNumerator and ulDenominator. The SeekRowApprox search is always absolute from the beginning of the table. To move to the end of the table, the values in ulNumerator and ulDenominator must be the same.
Use whatever number scheme is appropriate. That is, to seek to a position halfway through the table, you can specify 1/2, 10/20, or 50/100.