Platform SDK: MAPI


The IMAPITable::WaitForCompletion method suspends processing until one or more asynchronous operations in progress on the table have completed.

Quick Info

See IMAPITable : IUnknown.

HRESULT WaitForCompletion(
  ULONG ulFlags,               
  ULONG ulTimeout,             
  ULONG FAR * lpulTableStatus  


Reserved; must be zero.
[in] Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the asynchronous operation or operations to complete. To wait indefinitely until completion occurs, set ulTimeout to 0xFFFFFFFF.
[in-out] On input, either a valid pointer or NULL. On output, if lpulTableStatus is a valid pointer, it points to the most recent status of the table. If lpulTableStatus is NULL, no status information is returned. If WaitForCompletion returns a nonzero HRESULT value, the contents of lpulTableStatus are undefined.

Return Values

The wait operation was successful.
The table does not support waiting for the completion of asynchronous operations.
The asynchronous operation or operations did not complete in the specified time.


The IMAPITable::WaitForCompletion method suspends processing until any asynchronous operations currently under way for the table have completed. WaitForCompletion can allow the asynchronous operations either to fully complete or to run for a certain number of milliseconds, as indicated by ulTimeout, before being interrupted. To detect asynchronous operations in progress, call the IMAPITable::GetStatus method.

See Also

IMAPITable::GetRowCount, IMAPITable::GetStatus, IMAPITable::Restrict, IMAPITable::SetColumns, IMAPITable::SortTable