[in] Count of bytes in the entry identifier pointed to by the lpEntryID parameter.
[in] Pointer to the entry identifier of the message to remove from the outgoing queue.
Reserved; must be zero.
Return Values
The message was successfully removed from the outgoing queue.
The message identified by lpEntryID is no longer in the message store's outgoing queue, typically because it has already been sent.
The message identified by lpEntryID is locked by the MAPI spooler, and the operation cannot be aborted.
The IMsgStore::AbortSubmit method attempts to remove a submitted message from the message store's outgoing queue.
Notes to Callers
After a message is submitted, aborting the submission by calling AbortSubmit is the only action that can be performed on the message. Do not expect AbortSubmit always to succeed. Depending on how the underlying messaging system is implemented, it might not be possible to cancel the sending of the message.