Platform SDK: MAPI

ITableData : IUnknown

The ITableData interface provides utility methods for working with tables. Table data objects — or objects that implement ITableData — are provided by MAPI to help service providers perform table maintenance. To obtain a table data object, service providers call the CreateTable function.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIUTIL.H
Exposed by: Table data objects
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Service providers
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPITableData
Pointer type: LPTABLEDATA

Vtable Order

HrGetView Creates a table view, returning a pointer to an IMAPITable implementation.
HrModifyRow Inserts a new table row, possibly replacing an existing row.
HrDeleteRow Deletes a table row.
HrQueryRow Retrieves a table row.
HrEnumRow Retrieves a row based on its position in the table.
HrNotify Sends a notification for a table row.
HrInsertRow Inserts a table row.
HrModifyRows Inserts multiple table rows, possibly replacing existing rows.
HrDeleteRows Deletes multiple table rows.


The MAPI implementation of ITableData works with tables by holding all of the data and any associated restrictions in memory, making it unsuitable for use with very large tables. Large restrictions and complex operations such as categorization are unsupported.

Table data objects identify rows using an index column — a property that is guaranteed to have a unique value for each row. Most service providers use the PR_INSTANCE_KEY property as the index column. Multivalued properties cannot be used as an index column.

Table data objects generate a single notification regardless of the number of rows affected by a change or deletion. If a target row in an operation does not exist, a row is added.