Platform SDK: MAPI

MAPI Functions and Related Macros

The following alphabetic entries contain documentation for the MAPI Functions.

The MAPI SDK contains functions and function prototypes that may not be supported in future versions of MAPI. Client applications and service providers can find alternate ways, if necessary, to implement the features supported by these functions.

To ensure the portability of your client or service provider code, do not use the following functions and function prototypes:

ChangeIdleRoutine CloseIMsgSession
DeregisterIdleRoutine EnableIdleRoutine
FBadColumnSet FBadEntryList
FBadProp FBadPropTag
FBadRestriction FBadRglpNameID
FBadRglpszW FBadRow
FBadRowSet FBadSortOrderSet
FBinFromHex FEqualNames
FNIDLE prototype FPropCompareProp
FPropContainsProp FPropExists
FtAddFt FtgRegisterIdleRoutine
FtMulDw FtMulDwDw
FtNegFt FtSubFt
GetInstance HexFromBin
HrAllocAdviseSink HrComposeEID
HrComposeMsgID HrDecomposeEID
HrDecomposeMsgID HrEntryIDFromSz
HrGetOneProp HrSetOneProp
HrSzFromEntryID HrValidateIPMSubtree
LPropCompareProp MAPIDeInitIdle
MAPIInitIdle MapStorageSCode
NOTIFCALLBACK prototype OpenIMsgSession
PpropFindProp PropCopyMore
ScBinFromHexBounded ScCopyNotifications
ScCopyProps ScCountNotifications
ScCountProps ScLocalPathFromUNC
ScRelocNotifications ScRelocProps
ScUNCFromLocalPath SzFindCh
SzFindLastCh SzFindSz
UFromSz UlAddRef
UlFromSzHex UlPropSize