Platform SDK: MAPI

MapiRecipDesc (Simple MAPI)

A MapiRecipDesc structure contains information about a message sender or recipient.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPI.H

typedef struct { 
     ULONG ulReserved           
     ULONG ulRecipClass;      
     LPTSTR lpszName; 
     LPTSTR lpszAddress;      
     ULONG ulEIDSize; 
     LPVOID lpEntryID;      
} MapiRecipDesc, FAR *lpMapiRecipDesc; 


Reserved; must be zero.
Contains a numeric value that indicates the type of recipient. Possible values are:
Value Constant Meaning
0 MAPI_ORIG Indicates the original sender of the message.
1 MAPI_TO Indicates a primary message recipient.
2 MAPI_CC Indicates a recipient of a message copy.
3 MAPI_BCC Indicates a recipient of a blind copy.

Pointer to the display name of the message recipient or sender.
Optional pointer to the recipient or sender's address; this address is provider-specific message delivery data. Generally, the messaging system provides such addresses for inbound messages. For outbound messages, the lpszAddress member can point to an address entered by the user for a recipient not in an address book (that is, a custom recipient).

The format of an address pointed to by the lpszAddress member is [address type][e-mail address]. Examples of valid addresses are FAX:206-555-1212 and SMTP:M@X.COM.

The size, in bytes, of the entry identifier pointed to by the lpEntryID member.
Pointer to an opaque entry identifier used by a messaging system service provider to identify the message recipient. Entry identifiers have meaning only for the service provider; client applications will not be able to decipher them. The messaging system uses this member to return valid entry identifiers for all recipients or senders listed in the address book.