Platform SDK: MAPI


The PR_ANR property contains a string value for use in a property restriction on an address book container contents table.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Identifier: 0x360C
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x360C001E (0x360C001F for Unicode)


The PR_ANR property does not belong to any object; it is furnished by address book providers in SPropertyRestriction structures. This property contains an ambiguous name resolution (ANR) string that can be tested against an address book container's contents table to find corresponding message recipients.

Address book providers match the value of PR_ANR against every entry in the contents table, using a provider-defined matching algorithm. The column or columns used in this match are chosen by the provider as part of the algorithm. The PR_DISPLAY_NAME column is the most commonly used; the PR_ACCOUNT column is also useful when it contains the user's e-mail name.

For more information on ambiguous name resolution, see Address Book Restrictions.

See Also

Specialized Usage Properties, IAddrBook::ResolveName, IABContainer::ResolveNames