Platform SDK: MAPI


The PR_ATTACH_RENDERING property contains a Microsoft Windows metafile with rendering information for an attachment.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Attachment subobjects
Identifier: 0x3709
Property type: PT_BINARY
Property tag: 0x37090102


The purpose of the PR_ATTACH_RENDERING property is to provide an icon or other pictorial representation that can be displayed within the parent message at the point of attachment. Such representation typically includes the name of the attachment, if any, and the nature of the attachment, such as a Microsoft Word document. A client application can use this representation in the display of the message.

For an attached file, PR_ATTACH_RENDERING usually portrays an icon for the file.

For an attached message, PR_ATTACH_RENDERING is typically not set. A client application needing to render an attached message should obtain its PR_MESSAGE_CLASS property, call IMAPIFormMgr::ResolveMessageClass for a pointer to the corresponding form information object, open the IMAPIFormInfo interface on that object, and use GetProps to retrieve the PR_ICON or PR_MINI_ICON property.

For an embedded static OLE object, PR_ATTACH_RENDERING contains a Microsoft Windows metafile that can be used to draw the attachment representation in a window.

For an embedded dynamic OLE object, the client should use the OLE data to generate the rendering information.

In all cases, the client application should be aware that PR_ATTACH_RENDERING is usually several hundred bytes in size and is subject to truncation in the attachment table. If a client wishes to render the attachment from PR_ATTACH_RENDERING without opening the attachment itself, it must work within the table truncation rule. For more information, see Working with Large Columns.

See Also

Attachment Properties