Platform SDK: MAPI |
The PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS property contains the messaging user's e-mail address.
Header file: | MAPITAGS.H |
Must be exposed by: | Distribution list and messaging user objects |
Identifier: | 0x3003 |
Property type: | PT_TSTRING |
Property tag: | 0x3003001E (0x3003001F for Unicode) |
The PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS property is one of the base address properties for all messaging users. It is a null-terminated string whose format has meaning only for the underlying messaging system.
PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS is used in conjunction with the PR_ADDRTYPE and PR_MESSAGE_CLASS properties in addressing messages. The string format is qualified by PR_ADDRTYPE.
Valid PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS examples include:
network/postoffice/user Bruce@XYZZY.COM /c=US/a=att/p=Microsoft/o=Finance/ou=Purchasing/s=Furthur/g=Joe
For more information on the base address properties, see Base Address Properties. For more information on address types, see Address Types.