Platform SDK: MAPI


The PR_FOLDER_TYPE property contains a constant that indicates the folder type.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Folder objects
Identifier: 0x3601
Property type: PT_LONG
Property tag: 0x36010003


The PR_FOLDER_TYPE property can have exactly one of the following values:

A generic folder that contains messages and other folders.
The root folder of the folder hierarchy table, that is, a folder that has no parent folder.
A folder containing the results of a search, in the form of links to messages that meet search criteria.

The root of a message store should not be confused with the root of the interpersonal message (IPM) subtree in that store. The store's root folder, which has no parent, is obtained by calling the IMsgStore::OpenEntry method with a null entry identifier. The IPM subtree's root folder, which does have a parent, is obtained by using the value of the PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID property for the OpenEntry call.

MAPI allows only one root folder per message store. This folder contains messages and other folders. The root folder's PR_PARENT_ENTRYID property contains the folder's own entry identifier.

The information in a search-results folder is mainly stored in its contents table, which contains the same columns as a typical contents table, as well as two extra columns identifying the folder in which each message was found: PR_PARENT_DISPLAY (display name, required) and PR_PARENT_ENTRYID (entry identifier, optional).

For more information on folder types, see Folders.

See Also

Folder Properties