Platform SDK: MAPI


The PR_SELECTABLE property contains TRUE if the entry in the one-off table can be selected.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be a column in: One-off tables
Identifier: 0x3609
Property type: PT_BOOLEAN
Property tag: 0x3609000B


The PR_SELECTABLE property is used primarily for visual formatting of a one-off table. X.400 or gateway templates can be grouped by creating an entry that indicates the heading for the group. Setting PR_SELECTABLE to FALSE for the heading ensures that the user can select only the actual templates in the group and not this heading entry.

This property applies only to a one-off table, not to an address book hierarchy table.

MAPI allows an address book provider to group items visually by two means. First, certain rows can function as headings by being unselectable. Second, the selectable items can be indented relative to their headings using the PR_DEPTH property. PR_SELECTABLE is used in such grouping to indicate whether or not this item can be selected from a list box to create a one-off address. For example, if a client has several templates for building FAX addresses, it can display them as follows:

FAX templates (depth 0, not selectable) 
    Local (depth 1, selectable) 
    Long-distance (depth 1, selectable) 

See Also

Template Properties, IABLogon::GetOneOffTable, PR_FOLDER_TYPE