Platform SDK: MAPI

Transport Provider's Role in the MAPI Subsystem

Transport provider dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) provide the interface between the MAPI spooler and that part of a messaging system responsible for message sending and receiving. The MAPI spooler and the transport provider work together to handle the responsibilities of sending a message or receiving a message. The MAPI spooler loads the transport provider DLL when it is first used and releases it when it is no longer needed. Multiple transports can be installed on the same system, but MAPI supplies the one spooler required.

Client applications do not typically communicate directly with the transport provider; rather, clients submit messages through a store provider, and the MAPI spooler sends outgoing messages to the appropriate transport provider and delivers incoming messages to the appropriate message store. The MAPI spooler does its work and makes its calls to transport providers when foreground applications are idle. After optionally displaying dialog boxes when the transport provider is first logged on, transport providers operate in the background unless called by the client to flush send and receive queues.

Transport providers have the following responsibilities in a MAPI messaging system:

The following illustration shows a transport provider's role with respect to the other components of the MAPI architecture.