Platform SDK: MAPI

X.400 Message Handling System (X400)

This information is based on the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks gateway to X.400 mail systems. Certain fields, particularly "DDA," and the length limitations may not apply in all X.400-based messaging systems. The custom recipient address is in the following format:

[X400:g=GivenName;s=Surname;o=Organization;ou=OrganizationalUnit; p=PRMD;a=ADMD;c=Country;]

Label Description Maximum Length
G= Given name 16
I= Initials 5
S= Surname (required if G, I or Q are used) 40
Q= Generation Qualifier 3
CN= Common name 64
X.121= X.121 address 15
N-ID= User agent numeric identifier 32
T-TY= Terminal type 3
T-ID= Terminal identifier 24
O= Organization 64
OU1= Organizational unit #1 32
OU2= Organizational unit #2 32
OU3= Organizational unit #3 32
OU4= Organizational unit #4 32
P= Private Management Domain (PRMD) 16
A= Administrative Management Domain (ADMD - required) 16
C= Country (required) 2 or 3
DDA= Domain Defined Attribute (format => dda:<type>=<value>;) 8, 128