Platform SDK: Fax Services


The FAX_JOB_ENTRY structure describes one fax job. The structure includes data on the job type and status, recipient and sender identification, scheduling and delivery settings, and the page count. The SizeOfStruct and RecipientNumber members are required.

typedef struct _FAX_JOB_ENTRY {
  DWORD        SizeOfStruct;    //structure size, in bytes
  DWORD        JobId;           //identifier of fax job
  LPCTSTR      UserName;        //pointer to user who submitted job
  DWORD        JobType;         //job type (send/receive)
  DWORD        QueueStatus;     //set of job status bit flags
  DWORD        Status;          //status code for device
  DWORD        Size;            //size of document, in bytes
  DWORD        PageCount;       //total pages in transmission
  LPCTSTR      RecipientNumber; //pointer to recipient's fax number
  LPCTSTR      RecipientName;   //pointer to recipient's name
  LPCTSTR      Tsid;            //pointer to transmitting station identifier
  LPCTSTR      SenderName;      //pointer to sender's name
  LPCTSTR      SenderCompany;   //pointer to sender's company
  LPCTSTR      SenderDept;      //pointer to sender's department
  LPCTSTR      BillingCode;     //pointer to billing code
  DWORD        ScheduleAction;  //job scheduling action code
  SYSTEMTIME   ScheduleTime;    //local time to schedule job
  DWORD        DeliveryReportType;
                                //e-mail delivery report type
  LPCTSTR      DeliveryReportAddress;
                                //pointer to e-mail address
  LPCTSTR      DocumentName;    //pointer to document name to display


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the FAX_JOB_ENTRY structure. The calling application must set this member to sizeof(FAX_JOB_ENTRY) before it calls the FaxSetJob function.
Specifies a unique number that identifies the fax job of interest. This number must match the value the calling application passes in the JobId parameter to the FaxSetJob function.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the name of the user who submitted the fax job.
Specifies a DWORD variable that specifies the type of the fax job of interest. This member can be one of the following job types.
Value Meaning
JT_SEND The job is an outgoing fax transmission.
JT_RECEIVE The job is an incoming fax transmission.
JT_UNKNOWN The job type is unknown. This value indicates that the fax server has not yet scheduled the job.
JT_ROUTING The fax server tried to route the fax transmission, but routing failed. The fax server will attempt to route the job again.
JT_FAIL_RECEIVE The fax server did not route the fax because it did not receive the entire transmission. The fax server saves the partial transmission in a temporary directory.

Specifies a DWORD variable that is a set of bit flags indicating the queue status of the fax job identified by the JobID member. This member can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
JS_PENDING The fax job is in the queue and pending service.
JS_INPROGRESS The fax job is in progress.
JS_DELETING The fax server is deleting the fax job.
JS_FAILED The fax job failed.
JS_PAUSED The fax server paused the fax job.
JS_NOLINE There is no line available to send the fax. The fax server will send the transmission when a line is available.
JS_RETRYING The fax job failed. The fax server will attempt to retransmit the fax after a specified interval. For more information about global configuration settings, such as retransmission intervals, see FAX_CONFIGURATION.
JS_RETRIES_EXCEEDED The fax server exceeded the maximum number of retransmission attempts allowed. The fax will not be sent. For more information about global configuration settings, such as the maximum number of retransmission attempts, see FAX_CONFIGURATION.

Specifies a DWORD variable that is a fax device status code or value. This value can be one of the following predefined device status codes.
Value Meaning
FPS_DIALING The device is dialing a fax number.
FPS_SENDING The device is sending a fax document.
FPS_RECEIVING The device is receiving a fax document.
FPS_COMPLETED The device completed sending or receiving a fax transmission.
FPS_UNAVAILABLE The device is not available because it is in use by another application.
FPS_BUSY The device encountered a busy signal.
FPS_NO_ANSWER The receiving device did not answer the call.
FPS_BAD_ADDRESS The device dialed an invalid fax number.
FPS_NO_DIAL_TONE The sending device cannot complete the call because it does not detect a dial tone.
FPS_DISCONNECTED The fax call was disconnected by the sender or the caller.
FPS_FATAL_ERROR The device has encountered a fatal protocol error.
FPS_NOT_FAX_CALL The device received a call that was a data call or a voice call.
FPS_CALL_DELAYED The device delayed a fax call because the sending device received a busy signal multiple times. The device cannot retry the call because dialing restrictions exist. (Some countries restrict the number of retry attempts when a number is busy.)
FPS_CALL_BLACKLISTED The device could not complete a call because the telephone number was blocked or reserved; emergency numbers such as 911 are blocked.
FPS_INITIALIZING The device is initializing a call.
FPS_OFFLINE The device is offline and unavailable.
FPS_RINGING The device is ringing.
FPS_AVAILABLE The device is available.
FPS_ABORTING The device is aborting a fax job.
FPS_ROUTING The device is routing a received fax document.
FPS_ANSWERED The device answered a new call.
FPS_HANDLED The fax service processed the outbound fax document; the fax service provider will transmit the document.

Specifies a DWORD variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the fax document to transmit. The size must not exceed 4GB.
Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates the total number of pages in the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the fax number of the recipient of the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the name of the recipient of the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the transmitting station identifier. This identifier is usually a telephone number.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the company name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the department name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that indicates an application- or server-specific billing code that applies to the fax transmission. The fax server uses the string to generate an entry in the fax event log. Billing codes are optional.
Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates when to send the fax. This member can be one of the following predefined job scheduling actions.
Value Meaning
JSA_NOW Send the fax as soon as a device is available.
JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME Send the fax at the time specified by the ScheduleTime member.
JSA_DISCOUNT_PERIOD Send the fax during the discount rate period. Call the FaxGetConfiguration function to retrieve the discount period for the fax server.

If the ScheduleAction member is equal to the value JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME, specifies a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the date and time to send the fax. The time specified must be expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates the type of e-mail delivery report (DR) or non-delivery report (NDR) that the fax server should generate. This member can be one of the following predefined delivery report types.
Value Meaning
DRT_NONE Do not send a DR or an NDR to the sender of the fax transmission.
DRT_EMAIL Send the DR or NDR in an e-mail message to the sender of the fax transmission.
DRT_INBOX Send the DR or NDR in e-mail to the sender's local personal folder store (PST).

Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string. If the member is equal to DRT_EMAIL, the string is the address to which the DR or NDR should be sent. If the DeliveryReportType member is equal to DRT_INBOX, the string is the MAPI profile to which the DR or NDR should be sent. If the DeliveryReportType member is equal to DRT_NONE, this member must be NULL.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string to associate with the fax document. This is the user-friendly name that appears in the print spooler.


A fax client application passes the FAX_JOB_ENTRY structure in a call to the FaxSetJob function.

An application can call the FaxEnumJobs function to enumerate all queued and active fax jobs on the fax server of interest. FaxEnumJobs returns an array of FAX_JOB_ENTRY structures. Each structure describes one fax job in detail.

For more information, see Managing Fax Jobs.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable with BackOffice Small Business Server.
  Header: Declared in Winfax.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Fax Service Client Application Programming Interface Overview, Fax Service Client API Structures, FaxEnumJobs, FaxSetJob, SYSTEMTIME, FAX_CONFIGURATION