Platform SDK: Fax Services


The FAX_LOG_CATEGORY structure describes one logging category. The structure contains a logging category name and identifier. It also includes the current level at which the fax server logs events for the specified logging category in the application event log.

typedef struct _FAX_LOG_CATEGORY {
  LPCTSTR  Name;      // pointer to logging category name
  DWORD    Category;  // logging category number
  DWORD    Level;     // logging level for the category


Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that is a descriptive name for the logging category.
Specifies a DWORD variable that is a unique value that identifies a logging category. This member can be one of the following predefined values.
Value Meaning
FAXLOG_CATEGORY_INIT A fax service initialization or termination event.
FAXLOG_CATEGORY_OUTBOUND An outgoing fax transmission event such as sending a fax.
FAXLOG_CATEGORY_INBOUND An incoming fax transmission event such as receiving a fax or routing a fax.

Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates the current logging level for the logging category. This member can be one of the following predefined logging levels.
Value Meaning
FAXLOG_LEVEL_NONE The fax server does not log events.
FAXLOG_LEVEL_MIN The fax server logs only the most severe failure events.
FAXLOG_LEVEL_MED The fax server logs most events. (This level does not include some informational and warning events.)
FAXLOG_LEVEL_MAX The fax server logs all events.


The fax client application passes the FAX_LOG_CATEGORY structure in a call to the FaxSetLoggingCategories function to modify the current logging categories for the fax server of interest. If the application calls the FaxGetLoggingCategories function, it returns the current settings in a FAX_LOG_CATEGORY structure. For more information, see Managing Logging Categories.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable with BackOffice Small Business Server.
  Header: Declared in Winfax.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Fax Service Client Application Programming Interface Overview, Fax Service Client API Structures, FaxGetLoggingCategories, FaxSetLoggingCategories