Platform SDK: Fax Services


The FAX_JOB_PARAM structure contains the information necessary for the fax server to send an individual fax transmission. The structure includes the recipient's fax number, sender and recipient data, an optional billing code, and job scheduling information.

The SizeOfStruct, RecipientNumber, and ScheduleAction members are required; other members are optional.

typedef struct _FAX_JOB_PARAM {
  DWORD       SizeOfStruct;        //structure size, in bytes
  LPCTSTR     RecipientNumber;     //pointer to recipient's fax number
  LPCTSTR     RecipientName;       //pointer to recipient's name
  LPCTSTR     Tsid;                //pointer to transmitting station identifier
  LPCTSTR     SenderName;          //pointer to sender's name
  LPCTSTR     SenderCompany        //pointer to sender's company
  LPCTSTR     SenderDept;          //pointer to sender's department
  LPCTSTR     BillingCode;         //pointer to billing code
  DWORD       ScheduleAction;      //job scheduling action code
  SYSTEMTIME  ScheduleTime;        //time to send fax
  DWORD       DeliveryReportType;  //e-mail delivery report type
  LPCTSTR     DeliveryReportAddress; 
                                   //pointer to e-mail address
  LPCTSTR     DocumentName;        //pointer to document name to display
  HCALL       CallHandle;          //optional TAPI call handle
  DWORD       Reserved[3];         //must be zero


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the FAX_JOB_PARAM structure. The calling application must set this member to sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM). This member is required.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the fax number of the recipient of the fax transmission. This member is required unless you specify a valid TAPI CallHandle member.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the name of the recipient of the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the transmitting station identifier. This identifier is usually a telephone number.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the company name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the department name of the sender who initiated the fax transmission.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that indicates an application- or server-specific billing code that applies to the fax transmission. The fax server uses the string to generate an entry in the fax event log. Billing codes are optional.
Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates when to send the fax. This member is required, and can be one of the following predefined job scheduling actions.
Value Meaning
JSA_NOW Send the fax as soon as a device is available.
JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME Send the fax at the time specified by the ScheduleTime member.
JSA_DISCOUNT_PERIOD Send the fax during the discount rate period. Call the FaxGetConfiguration function to retrieve the discount period for the fax server.

If the ScheduleAction member is equal to the value JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME, specifies a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the date and time to send the fax. The time specified must be expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Specifies a DWORD variable that indicates the type of e-mail DR or NDR that the fax server should generate. This member can be one of the following predefined delivery report types.
Value Meaning
DRT_NONE Do not send a DR or an NDR to the sender of the fax transmission.
DRT_EMAIL Send the DR or NDR in an e-mail message to the sender of the fax transmission.
DRT_INBOX Send the DR or NDR in e-mail to the sender's local personal information store.

Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string. If the DeliveryReportType member is equal to DRT_EMAIL, the string is the address to which the DR or NDR should be sent. If the DeliveryReportType member is equal to DRT_INBOX, the string is the MAPI profile to which the DR or NDR should be sent. If the DeliveryReportType member is equal to DRT_NONE, this member must be NULL.
Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string to associate with the fax document. This is the user-friendly name that appears in the print spooler.
Specifies an optional call handle returned by the TAPI 2.x lineMakeCall function. If you specify a valid call handle, you can transmit a fax document to an active call in a cost-effective manner.
This member is reserved for future use by Microsoft. It must be set to zero.


A fax client application passes the FAX_JOB_PARAM structure in a call to the FaxSendDocument function to inform the fax server how and when to send the fax transmission. For more information, see Sending a Fax to One Recipient.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable with BackOffice Small Business Server.
  Header: Declared in Winfax.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Fax Service Client Application Programming Interface Overview, Fax Service Client API Structures, FaxSendDocument, SYSTEMTIME, FaxCompleteJobParams, FaxGetConfiguration, lineMakeCall