Platform SDK: Fax Services |
The Fax Service Client API COM interface documentation for Visual Basic programmers is organized around the fax client object model. The documentation for each object includes the following items:
Note that the corresponding C/C++ interface method topics contain information that is of interest to Visual Basic programmers. For example, these equivalent topics provide cross-references to related topics, remarks of interest, and they may also contain detailed parameter descriptions.
The C/C++ interface method names begin with IFax. Hyperlinks to these topics are provided in the tables describing the Visual Basic properties and methods. For example, when you click the Visual Basic Send method of the FaxDoc object, it displays the IFaxDoc::Send method C/C++ reference topic. You can return to the Visual Basic FaxDoc object reference topic from the C/C++ topic by clicking the Visual Basic reference hyperlink located above the C/C++ syntax block.
For more information about the differences between programming languages and how to translate COM object syntax from one language to another, see COM Language Translations.