Platform SDK: Fax Services

Local Registration of a Fax Service Provider

A fax service provider can be installed directly on a fax server (local installation), or from a computer on a network (remote installation). Local installation is recommended.

To register locally with the fax service it is recommended that a fax service provider perform the following steps rather than directly accessing the registry.

To install a service provider and register locally

  1. Install a telephony service provider for device abstraction. The telephony service provider identifies all the fax devices that the fax service provider controls, and enables the fax service to use the exposed fax devices.
  2. Copy the fax service provider DLL to the location specified by the ImageName parameter to the FaxRegisterServiceProvider function.
  3. Call the FaxRegisterServiceProvider function to configure the new devices for use by the fax service. The function registers the fax service provider dynamic-link library (DLL) with the fax service.

For information about registering from a remote computer, see Fax Service Provider Registration. For information about developing a fax service provider dynamic-link library (DLL), see Fax Service Provider API.