Platform SDK: Fax Services


The IFaxTiff::put_Image method sets the Image property for a FaxTiff object. The Image property is a null-terminated string that contains the full path and file name of the file represented by the FaxTiff object. The file is a Tagged Image File Format, Class F for facsimile (TIFF Class F) file.

A fax client application must call this method to open a fax file before retrieving any property for a FaxTiff object.

Visual Basic Reference

HRESULT put_Image(
  BSTR newVal  // specifies name and location of new fax file


[in] Specifies the new value to assign as the name of the fax file described by the FaxTiff object.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value indicating success or failure. If the method succeeds it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an OLE-defined error code.

You should not check directly for success or failure. You should use the COM SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros instead.


If a fax client application calls the IFaxTiff::put_Image method a second time, the FaxTiff object internally closes the file opened by the first call, and it opens the second file. The application must call the appropriate IFaxTiff::get_ methods again to retrieve the second file's properties. To create multiple FaxTiff objects, an application can call the IClassFactory::CreateInstance method.

For more information, see Retrieving Fax File Data.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in faxcom.h.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in faxcom.dll.

See Also

Fax Service Client Application Programming Interface Overview, Fax Service Client API Interfaces, IFaxTiff, IFaxTiff::get_Image, IClassFactory::CreateInstance